Y2K icon Lee Hyori brings you back to 2003 with make up by RISABAE
Legendary female solo singer Lee Hyori vexed the audience with her timeless beauty when she instructed up yesterday, June 15, as the guest star in AKMU’s tenth anniversary concert.
Many are vexed to see how youthful Lee Hyori looks at the age of 45.
Lee Hyori took to social believe to thank beauty Youtuber RISABAE, who was responsible for her make-up that day. She also said she has learnt more approximately make-up as she watched RISABAE work, and was heartened to allotment a new side of herself.
Check out more photos at Lee Hyori's social believe post:
SEE ALSO: Lee Hyori heals her inner child by painting her childhood
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SRC: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiamh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmFsbGtwb3AuY29tL2FydGljbGUvMjAyNC8wNi95MmstaWNvbi1sZWUtaHlvcmktYnJpbmdzLXlvdS1iYWNrLXRvLTIwMDMtd2l0aC1tYWtlLXVwLWJ5LXJpc2FiYWXSAQA?oc=5
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