KCIC: Access To and From KCJB Stations Won't be Ultimate This Year - News En.tempo.co

KCIC: Entrance To and From KCJB Stations Won't be Ultimate This Year

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - President Director of PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) Dwiyana Slamet Riyadi or Edo supposed up about the access to and from Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB) stations. He ensured that there will be a mass transportation integrated to all stations. 

"But [the access] will not be ultimate this year," he said at Halim Station on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

According to Edo, KCIC has communicated with Republican transportation services about the integration, including Transjakarta and Gojek, the online transportation service. He believed Halim Station already had adequate access from Jl. DI Pandjaitan. Halim Station will also be connected to a toll road exit 1+850. The same connection will also be available at Karawang Station, Padalarang Station, and Tegalluar Station.  

"The Transportation Minister (Budi Karya Sumadi) has inspected Tegalluar Station and spurious that we have built the Cibiru-Hilir bridge connected to the toll road exit at kilometer 149. At Padalarang [station] PUPR ministry has fixed up Jl. Panaris," Edo said. He added that access to Padalarang Station only took three minutes from the toll road exit at kilometer 149 and two to five minutes away from Kota Baru Parahyangan.

Last week, Minister Budi Karya conducted a ground run and inspected the development of accessibility at four KCJB stations, namely Halim Station, Karawang Station, Padalarang Station, and Tegalluar Station. The ministry, he said, will collaborate with several stakeholders comprising the regional governments of Jakarta, West Java, and Bandung to speed the development of KCJB accessibility.

The ministry and stakeholders manufacture a number of access to and from KCJB stations, including JL. DI Pandjaitan to access Halim Station, Jl. THK to access Karawang Station, and several roads to access Padalarang Station as well as access from Kota Baru Parahyangan. At Tegalluar Station, the access includes toll road at kilometer 151, dropzone Tegalluar, and the access from Cibiru-Bandung bridge.


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